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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt... a highly respected art previously reserved only for the Chinese nobility. Through our inspired guidance and finest earthly treasures, we deliver significant and sustainable success for our clients.

Eight Zodiac Guardians Collection

The Eight Zodiac Guardians are protectors of the twelve zodiac signs. Each Zodiac Guardian governs the careers, businesses, investments, trading decisions, health and relationships of their designated devotees.

Significance of the Eight Zodiac Guardians Collection

Imperial Harvest’s signature Eight Zodiac Guardians Collection bestows supreme luck upon its destined owners, empowering them to scale new heights and achieve breakthrough successes in both personal and professional endeavours.

Superlative Craftsmanship

Carved in varying levels of relief, the luminosity of the jadeite is accentuated through a dynamic three-dimensional effect, in which the smooth unblemished surfaces provide a pleasing aesthetic contrast with the accompanying intricate detailing.

Stringent Quality Control

In order to maintain full control of the jadeite carving process, Imperial Harvest opts to work with master artisans specialising in traditional hand-carving techniques, achieving an extremely detailed finish inconceivable with machine carving. With the adherence to precise specifications and stringent quality control standards, only the finest jadeites are offered to our blessed clients.

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The Eight Zodiac Guardians

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Eight Zodiac Guardians – Acalanatha

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Eight Zodiac Guardians – Akasagarbha Bodhisattva

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Eight Zodiac Guardians – Amitabha Buddha

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Eight Zodiac Guardians – Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva

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Eight Zodiac Guardians – Manjusri Bodhisattva

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Eight Zodiac Guardians – Samantabhadra Bodhisattva

Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins Over the centuries, this celestial system became a foundational element of Chinese astrology. Ancient astrologers observed that Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system, completed its orbit around the Sun in 12 years. This 12-year cycle was then divided into equal segments, with each segment corresponding to a specific […]

Eight Zodiac Guardians – Thousand Hands Guan Yin

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Eight Zodiac Guardians – Vairochana Buddha

Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins In ancient China, early astrologers noted that Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system, played a major role in shaping human astrology. Jupiter completes its orbit around the Sun every 12 years, which is divided into twelve equal sections, with each section corresponding to a particular period. Each of […]